Inspirational Quotes SMS (Collection 1) | DaddyFile

Inspirational Quotes SMS
What A Nice definition of "TODAY".

T - This is an
O - Opportunity to
D - Do
A - A work, better than
Y - Yesterday.

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
Don"t Be Afraid To Fail. Be Afraid Not To Try

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
I You Have To Fight Punch First And Punch Hard

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday!

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
When you learn how much you are worth, you'll stop giving people discounts!

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
You have only two options in life.
So try to accept what you can’t change,
And try to change what you can’t accept.

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
The Japanese say you have three faces.
The first face, you show to the world.
The second face, you show to your close friend and your family.
The third face, you never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are!

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
When you're not sure, flip a coin;
Because when the coin is in the air, you realize which one you're actually hoping for.

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
It is better to cry than to be angry,
because anger hurts others while
tears flow silently threw the soul and
cleanses the heart..

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
there’s A Luxury In
When V Blame
V Feel that No One Else
Has A Rite 2 Blame Us.
Its d Confession, Not
The Priest that Gives
Us Absolution

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
Millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by the squirrels - who bury nuts, then forget where they hid them.
Do good and forget. It'll grow some day.

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
Definition of
‘Human Being’
by A Philosopher:
A Creature That Cuts Trees,
& Makes Paper,
& On Those Papers They Writes

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
Change is a Nature of life
but challenge is a aim of life.
so you have to challenge the changes
but not to change the challenges.

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
‘L i f e’
Is not an
‘i – P o d’
To listen your
Favorite Songs
It’s a
‘R a d i o’
You must
‘A d j u s t’
Yourself to enjoy,
Whatever comes in it…

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
For true success ask
yourself these four questions:
Why not?
Why not me?
Why not now?

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
Work For A Cause
Not For Applause
Live Life To Express
Not To Impress
Don’t Strive To Make
our Presence Noticed
Just Make Your
Absence Felt …

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
Luck is like sand in hands.
It will sneak out through fingers,
no mater gripped firmly or held loosely.
Only hands in the praying posture can save it.

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
Easy is to judge the mistakes of others,
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes
Easy is to hurt someone who loves you,
Difficult is to heal the wound
Easy is to set rules,
Difficult is to follow them
Easy is to dream every night,
Difficult is to fight for a dream
Easy is to say we love,
Difficult is to show it every day
Easy is to make mistakes,
Difficult is to learn from them…

Sender: DaddyFile 

Inspirational Quotes SMS
What is the difference between inside and outside the college gate?
We played with Life inside the gate;
And Life played with us outside the gate!

Sender: DaddyFile 

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