700 protesters arrested From Islamabad - Pakistan English News | DaddyFile

Date: 29/3/2016

ISLAMABAD: Over 700 protesters were picked up from parts of the city and sent to various jails in Punjab, Dawn learnt from officials of the capital police on Monday.
Of these, 500 protesters were arrested last night, during the clashes between protesters and law enforcement officials, and a few of the leaders were also arrested.
The remaining arrests were made on Monday. A source said that those who are sitting in protest at D-Chowk and Parade Ground are not being picked up, but some of those who leave – perhaps to leave the sit-in or to use washing facilities – are being arrested.
The arrested protesters are kept in different locations, some in police stations, and later moved to jails in districts near the capital, sources said.
The process of moving those arrested to jails is a slow one, according to one police official.
He explained that because of the large number of arrests, capital police were first making sure if a particular jail had enough space before sending the protesters.

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