Pakistan seeks another RAW agent’s handover, more information - Pakistan English News | DaddyFile

Date: 1/4/2016

Letter to Iran
Rejects India’s request for consular access to Yadav; Tehran says Pak-Iran ties can be affected by spreading ‘undignified and offensive’ remarks
ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of Interior has sent an official letter to Iran seeking assistance to counter and overcome the involvement of India in spying and sabotage activities inside Pakistan, sources in the ministry have disclosed.
The letter, addressed to the Iranian Ambassador in Pakistan Mehdi Honardoost, said: “Pakistan has suffered immense losses in terms of human life and damage to infrastructure and property due to terrorism. These trends have continued relentlessly for decades adding to the suffering of people of this country.
“In addition to global and regional politics, constant intrusion from Pakistan’s easterly neighbour is contributing significantly to terrorism in Pakistan,” added the letter.
“Pakistan has persistently maintained that the Indian state is sponsoring terrorism, sabotage and subversion in this country. The government has presented dossiers of such evidence to the United Nations on Indian involvement in the province of Balochistan. However, this evidence is unattended to, as the world body has paid no attention to it,” the letter said.
Giving more details about the spy, the Government of Pakistan said in the letter that on Thursday, March 3, 2016, a high-profile serving Indian naval officer Commander Kulbhushan Yadav alias Hussain Mubarak Patel was arrested in Mashkhel, Balochistan, Pakistan.
“Commander Kulbhushan Yadav is an officer currently serving in RAW, India’s primary spy agency. Subsequent to interrogation, the arrested RAW officer revealed that he is covertly based in Chabahar, Iran, under the pretext of being a jeweller/businessman.
“He is assisted by the RAW Sub Inspector Rakesh alias Rizwan as one of the key operatives. Sub-Inspector Rakesh is also working undercover as a businessman dealing in jewellery. Their shop address was Shop No709, Abresham Mall, Chabahar, Iran.
“Commander Kulbhushan is in possession of a valid Indian passport with a valid Iranian visa. He crossed over to Mashkhel, Balochistan, Pakistan from Saravan, Iran, with some militants from Balochistan.
“The RAW agent has made startling revelations about the existence of a potent RAW network operating against Pakistan from the Iranian soil.“His mission included spying and sabotage, in addition to fomenting insecurity and instability in the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan.
“The Indian Ministry of External Affairs has acknowledged the presence of Commander Kulbhushan Yadav as an Indian Navy official.“Yadav entered Pakistan illegally and engaged in subversive activities, including plotting against the multi-billion dollar project of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
India has officially denied its involvement in Balochistan; however, the evidence in this case stands confirmed by Yadav’s arrest.“Pakistan’s interior minister raised the issue of Indian saboteurs using Iranian soil with the visiting Iranian dignitaries.
“Attention was drawn in particular to the issue of intrusions from Iran and involvement of such elements in inciting terrorist activities thus causing threats to the entire region.It is imperative to address the issue at the highest level in Iran. This pertains to the security and sovereignty of both Iran and Pakistan.
“Pakistan expects Iran to seriously look at Islamabad’s assertions and take every step to stem incursion of Indian spies into Pakistani territory.“In view of above mentioned, proactive support of the brotherly Iranian Government is thus sought to provide, immediate arrest and handover of Rakesh alias Rizwan for interrogation in Pakistan, verify activities of Kulbhushan Yadav as stated above along with record of visits to Iran, record of stay in Iran including cities visited and duration thereof, record of people they have been interacting with and purpose of their interaction and business and share details of RAW networks on the Iranian soil.
“Assistance will not only further strengthen the brotherly relations between the two countries, but also greatly reduce incidents of terrorism and unrest in the region.“Activities by the state-sponsored actors, using Iranian territory could undermine the existing peaceful environment prevailing in the Pak-Iran border area,” the letter concluded.
Meanwhile, the Foreign Office has rejected India’s request for consular access to Kulbhushan Yadav. Sabah adds: The Iranian Embassy on Thursday slammed ‘certain elements’ in Pakistan for spreading ‘undignified and offensive’ remarks attributed to Iranian President Hasan Rouhani with regard to the arrest of Indian spy Kulbhushan Yadav.
“Elements unhappy over promotion of ties between the two Islamic countries of Iran and Pakistan are trying in various ways, including the spreading of undignified and sometimes offensive contents to fade out the significant achievements during the visit of President Rouhani to Pakistan,” embassy spokesman Abbas Badrifar said.
The statement comes just days after Indian spy Kulbhushan Yadav’s arrest was announced on March 25 while Rouhani was visiting Islamabad.Such news items, said Badrifar, without clarifying what news report he was referring to, is the product of thinking which does not like further expansion of ties between the two countries and is against fruitful materialisation of agreements made during the visit of the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
But Badrifar said such tactics will not impact on the positive views of the two countries regarding each other.He said since independence Pakistan had always proven itself as a trusted partner and neighbour adding that the western borders of Pakistan had never been threatened, as Iran considered its borders with Pakistan as those of peace and friendship.

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