Beginner Green Juice Recipe - Recipes Point | DaddyFile

This is for beginners that are looking for a green juice that tastes great. It's sweet while having a nice citrus flavor to it.

If you have a masticating juicer, this will come out just like in the picture. If you have a centrifuge juicer, you may not be able to get much juice out of the spinach. You can still try it, but don't be surprised if it shoots all of the spinach in the bin and a few drops come out. You can always juice everything except the spinach, then finish it in a blender with the spinach.


Apples - 3 medium (3" dia) 546g

Celery - 4 stalk, large (11"-12" long) 256g

Ginger Root - 1/4 thumb (1" dia) 6g

Lemon (with rind) - 1/2 fruit (2-1/8" dia) 29g

Orange (peeled) - 1 large (3-1/16" dia) 184g

Spinach - 5 handful 125g


You don't have to peel the lemon, but make sure you peel the orange. The orange's skin is very bitter and can ruin the flavor.

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