World History General Knowledge - World History Point | DaddyFile


World History

Q1/ The first Olympiad was held in Greece in the year?

A/ 776 BC

Q2/ Rome was founded in the year?

A/ 753 BC

Q3/ The Great wall of China was built in the year?

A/ 214 BC

Q4/ The first voyage around the world was undertook by whom in 1522?

A/ Magellan

Q5/ The first President of USA was?

A/ George Washington

Q6/ Which Battle marked the end of Napoleon era?

A/ Waterloo

Q7/ The American War of Independence was fought between?

A/ America and Great Britain

Q8/ Adolf Hitler was also known as?

A/ Fuhrer

Q9/ The first woman in world to become the Prime minister of a country was?

A/ Sirimao Bandara Naike

Q10/ The Emperor of Germany who dismissed his Chancellor Bismark in 1980 was?

A/ William II

Q11/ Two Presidents of USA were father and son.Their names were?

A/ John Adams & Quincey

Q12/ The UNO came into existance in?

A/ 1945 AD

Q13/ The king of England before Elizabeth II was?

George VI

Q14/ Queen Elizabeth I ascended the throne of England in the year?

A/ 1558 AD

Q15/ The Statue of Liberty of New York was a gift from?

A/ France

Q16/ Hitler's secret service was also known as?

A/ Gestapo

Q17/ The last Emperor of Rome was?

A/ Romulus Augustus

18/ Florence Nightingale was known as?

A/ Lady of the Lamp

Q19/ Mao Tse Tung died in the year?

A/ 1976 AD

Q20/ In 1806,the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved by?

A/ Napolean

Q21/ The country which celebrates Independence day on 15th August, apart from India, is?

A/ South Korea

Q22/ The first World War ended in?

A/ 1918 AD

Q23/ The US President who was forced to resign due to the Watergate scandal was?

A/ Nixon

Q24/ The Second World War ended in?

A/ 1945 AD

Q25/ The first communist manifesto was issued in?

A/ 1848 AD

Q26/ The first Prime Minister of Independent Kenya was?

A/ Jomo Kenyatta

Q27/ Malenkov became the Soviet Prime Minister after the death of?

A/ Stalin

Q28/ The first British Prime Minister was?

A/ Sir Robert Walpole

Q29/ The French revolution took place during the years?

A/ 1789-1799 AD

Q30/ The British Commander who surrendered before the Americans and French at York town in 1781 was?

A/ Lord Cornwallis

Q31/ The American War of Independence was faught during the years? 

A/ 1775-1783 AD

Q32/ Stalin became the Premiere of USSR in?

A/ 1924 AD

Q33/ Lenin was succeeded by?

A/ Stalin

Q34/ In the Second World War,atomic bombs were dropped in Japan which destroyed?

A/ Hiroshima

Q35/ Leningrad was built by?

A/ Peter I

Q36/ White House,the residence of the President of the USA is located at?

A/ Washington DC

Q37/ In European History,the year 1848 is known as?

A/ Year of Revolution

Q38/ The first Prime Minister of Israel was?

A/ David Bengurian

Q39/ The English King who was prepared to exchange his kingdom for a horse was?

A/ Richard III

Q40/ Nixon was succeeded by?

A/ Gerald Ford

Q41/ Nixon resigned in the year?

A/ 1974 AD

Q42/ The First World War broke out in?

A/ 1914 AD

Q43/ In the year 1959,Chinese occupied?

A/ Tibet

Q44/ A big Naval expedition sent by Philip II against England was known as the?

A/ Spanish Armada

Q45/ Magna Karta is also known as the?

A/ Bible of English Constitution

Q46/ The king who was forced to sign the Magna Karta was?

A/ King John II

Q47/ Winston Churchil died in the year?

A/ 1965 AD

Q48/ Battle of Britain was fought in the year?

A/ 1940 AD

Q49/ Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa in 1941 against the?

A/ Soviet Union

Q50/ Bolschevik Revolution took place in?

A/ 1917 AD

Q51/ Christopher Columbus died in the year?

A/ 1506 AD

Q52/ De Champlain was a? 

A/ French Explorer

Q53/ China was also known as?

A/ Chung hua

Q54/ Alexandria was founded by?

A/ Alexander

Q55/ In the first Punic War fought in 264-261 BC,the Romans defeated?

A/ Carthaginians

Q56/ Modern Parliament was introduced by?

A/ Edward I

Q57/ The Disease which struck Europe in the 14th Century was?

A/ Plague

Q58/ In the thirteenth Century,Russia was overun by?

A/ Mongols

Q59/ In 1260,the Mongol army was defeated by the armies of Islam at?

A/ Ain Jalut

Q60/ Timur died in the year?

A/ 1405 AD

Q61/ The first colony established by the English in north America was?

A/ Jamestown

Q62/ Henry IV was assassinated in?

A/ 1610 AD

Q63/ The War of the Grand Alliance was fought during?

A/ 1689-97 AD

Q64/ The War of the Spanish succession was fought during?

A/ 1701-14 AD

Q65/ In 1707,the two countries who became united were? 

A/ England and Scotland

Q66/ Napoleon crowned himself as Emperor in?

A/ 1801 AD

Q67/ Napoleon brought a detailed revision of the French Legal System called as?

A/ Code Napoleon

Q68/ In 1805,the French fleet was destroyed at?

A/ The Battle of Trafalgar

Q69/ The unification of Italy took place during?

A/ 1858-1870 AD

Q70/ The unification of Germany was carried-out during?

A/ 1864-1870 AD

Q71/ In 1870,Germany waged war with?

A/ France

Q72/ In 1822,the country which was declared an independent empire was?

A/ Brazil

Q73/ Abraham Lincoln,the American President was a republican from?

A/ Illinois

Q74/ The 1849 Gold-Rush was due to gold discovered at?

A/ Northern California

Q75/ Between 1836-1847,USA was at war with?

A/ Mexico

Q76/ In 1898,USA was at war with?

A/ Spain

Q77/ In 1867,USA purchased Alaska from?

A/ Russia

Q78/ In 1770,James Cook,the English Captain landed at?

A/ Botany Bay of Australia

Q79/ Suez Cananl was opened in?

A/ 1869 AD

Q80/ In 1818,the Zulu Kingdom was founded by?

A/ Shaka

Q81/ In 1911,Italy invaded?

A/ Libya

Q82/ King Leopold was from?

A/ Belgium

Q83/ The Union of South Africa was formed in?

A/ 1909 AD

Q84/ In earlier times,Turkey was referred to as?

A/ The sick man of Europe

Q85/ In 1877,Russia went to war with?

A/ Turkey

Q86/ In July 1914,Austria invaded? 

A/ Serbia

Q87/ In August 1914,Germany attacked?

A/ France

Q88/ In the first World War,German forces were defeated Grumbinnen by?

A/ Russia

Q89/ In the first World War,Austria fought alongside?

A/ Germany

Q90/ In the first World War,Austria & Germany were known as?

A/ Central powers

Q91/ Finland Won Independence in 1917 from?

A/ Russia

Q92/ In 1935,Italy attacked?

A/ Ethiopia

Q93/ Benito Mussolini was the dictator of?

A/ Italy

Q94/ Mein Kampf was written by?

A/ Adolf Hitler

Q95/ Adolf Hitler was the dictator of ?

A/ Germany

Q96/ In a mass genocide,Hitler targetted?

A/ The Jews

Q97/ In 1939,Hitler and Stalin concluded the?

A/ Nazi-Soviet Pact

Q98/ The Bolschevik revolution occurred in?

A/ 1917 AD

Q99/ Franco came to power in Spain in? 

A/ 1939 AD

Q100/ Hitler's Nazy party came to power in?

A/ 1933 AD

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