Learn Explorer Tips Lesson 2 - Computer Tips | DaddyFile


11) Changing Drive Icons in ExplorerTo change the icon used for specific drives in Explorer Start Regedit
Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer
Create a key called DriveIcons
Within DriveIcons, create another key with the drive letter you want to change (..\DriveIcons\K)
Create another key within the drive letter key called DefaultIcon
Set the default value equal to the icon you want to use.
If you have a file that has more than one icon in it, such as a DLL file, use the standard C:\full_path\icon_file.dll,x
where x is the number of the icon within the file icon_file.dll.

12) Changing the Default Sound in ExplorerYou can change the default sound heard when navigating to folders in the Explorer. Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ AppEvents \ Schemes \
Apps\ Explorer \ Navigating\ .current
Change the default value to the wav file you want to use.
Leaving it blank will turn off the sound.
This also changes the default sound when opening a page in the Internet Explorer.
13) Hiding the File Menu in the ExplorerTo hide the File Menu in Explorer: Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\
Create a new Binary Value
Name it NoFileMenu
Give it a value of 01 00 00 00
Reboot the computer

14) Changing the Explorer's Web View BackgroundIf you use Web View for your Explorer, you can change the background that appears. Edit or recreate the file >C:\Windows\Web\Wvleft.bmp
Make sure you keep the file dimensions the same 182x237 pixels

15) Keeping Filenames in the Case You WantTo stop Windows from changing the case of your filenames to upper or lower case: Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced
Double-click DontPrettyPath (or create this key with a type of REG_DWORD if it doesn't exist)
Set the value to 1 to keep the case as you type it or 0 to adjust the case as Explorer requires
Click OK
Close Regedit

16) Resetting Graphics PreView in ExplorerFor Windows98, ME or Windows 2000, if you have View as Web Page enabled but do not see a picture preview in Explorer: Start Regedit
Go to Registry key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ file type \
ShellEx \ {BB2E617C-0920-11d1-9A0B-00C04FC2D6C1}
Make sure the Default Value "{7376D660-C583-11d0-A3A5-00C04FD706EC}"

17) Changing Drive Labels in Explorer (Windows2000 and XP)Normally the Explorer shows drive labels as "Compact Disk", "Removable Disk" ect. To change the name of this label for specific drives:
Start Regedit
Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer
Create a key called DriveIcons
Within DriveIcons, create another key with the drive letter you want to change (..\DriveIcons\K)
Create another within the drive letter key called DefaultLabel
Give the Default Value for this key the label you want to appear for that drive letter. (Jazz Drive etc.)
Restart the computer .

18) Removing Right-Click ItemsWhen you right click on a folder or file with the Explorer, a list of options is available.
As more applications get installed, this list may get too large for you. To remove items from the list:
Note the text of the item you want to remove
Start Regedit
Go to the following sections in the Registry and delete the subkey with the string you noted in Step 1.

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