Learn Explorer Tips Lesson 1 - Computer Tips | DaddyFile


1) Starting Explorer with No Drives ExpandedNormally when you start the Explorer, it expands the folders on the root of the C: Drive.
For those computers with multiple hard drives plus CD ROM Drives, this might not always be what you want.
If you want it to start without expanding any drives, use the following switches: EXPLORER /n, /e, /select, c:\
This will work with NT 4.0 as well

2) Opening a DOS Prompt in the Directory You WantYou can use the Explorer to easily open up a DOS window to a specific directory. From Explorer Option Menu select File Types
Highlight the object for Folder - NOT File Folder
Click the Edit button
From the 'Edit File Type' panel click the 'New' button
Action is '&Goto DOS Prompt'
Application used is C:\windows\command.com /k cd %1
Select OK, then Close and Close.
Now from Explorer secondary (right) click the folder you want to go to in DOS
From the menu select 'GotDOS Prompt' (or hit G) and you are in that directory with a DOS windows
For Win NT 4.0 same tip, but substitute cmd.exe for command.com)

3) Added Non-Expanded Explorer when Right Clicking on a FolderAdding a second Explorer to the menu that pops up when right clicking on any folder or the Start Button.
This is handy to be able to open Explorer non-expanded and also for being able to open a second Explorer (non-expanded) while already in Explorer. Open My Computer
Choose View-Options-File Types
Select the File Folder file type
Click Edit
Click OK and close all windows
Locate and expand DIRECTORY
Locate and expand SHELL
Locate and expand EXPLORER2
On the right window RIGHT CLICK on DEFAULT
Remove the space and %1 at the end of the line
Click OK and close REGEDIT
EXPLORER2 will show up and launch a non-expanded view of Explorer whenever you right-click on the START BUTTON or any folder, even if you are already in Explorer.
The whole procedure can be done in REGEDIT, but this may be safer for users not experienced with REGEDIT

4) Automatically Adjusting Right-Panel Column WidthsThe column widths in the right hand panel of the Explorer might not be the correct sizes to display all the file information.
To automatically adjust all the columns at once to show all the information, Click somewhere on the right-hand panel
Simply press the Ctrl-+ key.
The Name, Size, Type and Modified columns will automatically adjust themselves to display all their information.
Note: The + is the one on the numeric keyboard
1.Using the Explorer's SEND TO FeatureWhen you right click on a file, SEND TO is one of the options.
To add other directories or programs, simply drag them to the SEND TO folder that is directly under the directory where you installed Win95.
This will allow you to quickly move files to commonly used areas.
For example, you can SEND TO applications like WinZip.

2.Starting the Explorer from the Current DOS DirectoryTo start Explorer from whatever subdirectory you are in when shelled out in DOS: Type "Start .\" The Explorer will start in that very same directory
"Start ..\" will start the Explorer one directory above the current one.
"Start \" will start the Explorer at the root of the drive.

3.Explorer Shortcut KeysF4 - Displays the Combo Box
F5 - Refresh the display
Ctrl+G - Go to a specific directory
Ctrl+Z - Undo last action
Backspace - Go up one directory

4.Starting Explorer when opening a FolderTo have an Explorer window be the default when you open up a Folder: Open up any folder.
Select View / Options
Select File Types
Go down to Folder
Click on Edit
Highlight Explore
Click on Set Default
Click on Close
Click on Close again
Now when you open a folder, you will get an Explorer window with the programs or shortcuts in the right panel
and the regular explorer window in the left panel.

5.Expanding All Subfolders in ExplorerTo quickly have Explorer expand all subfolders for a selected drive or folder,
simply press the asterisk (*) key on the numeric keypad.

6.Easier File Copying with ExplorerOne difference between Explorer and File Manager is that with File Manager
you could open up two windows to more easily copy files between drives.
To do the same thing with Explorer: Close all running applications
Start two copies of Explorer
Press Ctrl-Esc to bring up the task bar
Right click on an open space
Select Tile Horizontally or Vertically depending on your preference
Your two Explorer sessions will now split the screen and you can copy between them by dragging files like before.

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