Learn Networking Tips Lesson 1 - Computer Tips | DaddyFile


11) Resetting Forgotten Dial-Up Server Password
If you forget the password you set for you Dial-Up Server
simply delete (or rename) the RNA.PWL file in the WINDOWS directory.

12) Monitoring Your Dial-Up Connection

There are some system checks you can use to see how good your ISP and Phone lines are.
You either net OEM SR2 or the ISDN Accelerator Pack 1.1 installed Make sure SYSMON is installed. You can add this through the Control Panel / Add New Programs
Select Edit / Add Item
Click on Dial-Up Networking Adapter
Select CRC Errors
Click on OK
If you have lots of CRC errors, either the phone lines or your modem is having problems.
You can also add Framing Errors and Timeout Errors if you are still having problems and your.

13) Fixing a problem with Shortcuts that keep network UNC connections
By default, when you create a shortcut to a network application, both the Drive letter and UNC connection are stored as part of the shortcut.
The reasoning that if the drive letter gets reassigned or deleted, the UNC connection will serve as an additional way to ensure that the application is available.
This can also be a problem because when you want to re-assign the drive to a new server, it will still make the connection to the old one through the UNC To disable this feature, there is a program called SHORTCUT.EXE in the Admin / Apptools / Envvars directory.
Execute the program with a -? to see a description of the available switches.

14) Increasing Modem Performance
To increase modem performance when connecting to the Internet: Disable compression on your modem
In SYSTEM.INI under 386enh section put in: COMxBUFFER=1024 (x is your modem port number )
Add AT%C0 (that's a zero),to the extra settings line of your modem's properties.
Switch errror correction off

15) To Find Your IP AddressTo find your IP address when connected: Open Explorer
In the Windows folder find the file WINIPCFG.
Drag a shortcut onto your screen.
Now when you are online you can double click the shortcut to see your IP address and other data.

16) Using UNC Network Names with Files
As already mentioned, you can use long file names in an MS DOS Box.
But you can even use UNC-style network names. Example: DIR \\server\share1\dir1
will give you all files on the computer named "server", in the share named "share1" and in the directory "dir1".
This does not work with CD, but it will work with MD, RD, DIR, COPY, MOVE, REN, and so on.
I use this in combination with a batch file to copy files to a number of computers on a network

17) Changing the Number of Rings Before Dial-Up Server Answers
To change the number of rings before Dial up Networking Server answers: Find the INF file for the modem in the \WINDOWS\INF directory. The filename will begin with "mdm" and end with characters desciptive of the manufacturer, ie. "supra" for Supra Express modem.
Make a copy of this file.
Edit this file with notepad and look for a string "HKR, Answer, 1,, "ATA<cr>".
Change to HKR, Answer, 1,, "None".
A few lines up from this should be the line HKR, Monitor, 1,, "ATS0=0<cr>" Change the value of the S0 register to the number of rings you would like to have the modem answer on.
Remove the modem by using the Control panel | System | Device Manager.
Reinstall the modem using the REFRESH Button.
This should install the modem using the updated INF file.

18) Starting a Dial-Up Connection from the Command Line
You can dial your ISP from a command line. This can make it easy to create a batch file that will
do things like dial, start your e-mail and web browser. The syntax is:
rundll rnaui.dll,RnaDial connectoid
Note: The RnaDial and connectoid components of the command line are case sensitive.

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