Learn Networking Tips Lesson 2 - Computer Tips | DaddyFile


1) Speeding Up Internet Searches
When you go to a web site, the first thing that happens is that a query goes out to the DNS server for IP address of the web site.
In order to eliminate this query, you can simply add the IP address and web name into the HOSTS file in the Windows directory.
To find the IP address, just PING the web name (ping www.microsoft.com) For example, Microsoft would be: www.microsoft.com #.url
You can do this for all the sites you regularly visit.

2) Auto-Dial Internet Connections (Win98)
If Win98 is not automatically dialing your Internet Connection: Open up the Dial Up Networking box
Click on Connections / Settings
Uncheck Prompt for information before dialing.

3) Opening the Make New Connection Dialog Box
This command line will pop up the "Make new connection" window. rundll rnaui.dll,RnaWizard /1

4) Help Stop Modem Disconnects
If you modem goes offline frequently, it may be due to a temporary lost carrier. To lengthen the time the modem will go offline after the carrier is lost, change the modem properties. Open up the Control Panel
Double click on the Modem icon
Click on Properties / Connection / Advanced
In the Extra Settings, enter S10=10
This will enable the modem to stay connected without a carrier for up to 10 seconds.

5) Using More Than One Modem at a Time
(Win98, WinME and Win2000)
If you have two phone lines in your home and want to use them both to dial out,
you can use MultiLink, which will effectively double your connection speed. Create a dial-up connection like your normally would. 
Right click on the icon and select Properties 
Click on the Multilink tab 
Click on Use additional devices 
Click on the Add 
Click on the other modem you would like to use 
If your ISP allows, you can use the same phone number, otherwise enter an additional phone number to dial. 
You should now connect with both modems. 
You can confirm this by opening up your dial up connection in the System Tray after you connect.

6) Seeing Servers Your Are Connected To When OnLine
To see what servers you are connected to when on the Internet
Simply run Netstat

7) Backing Up Your ISP Settings
If you want to save your ISP settings (name, phone, login id etc.) for future installations: Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ RemoteAccess
Select Registry / Export Registry
Make sure Selected branch is checked
For the name, enter any name that will help you remember the purpose of the .reg file
Now if you need to restore your ISP settings after a new installation of Windows, you just need to import this file

8) Forcing Alpha-Numeric Passwords
In order to force passwords that just use alpha-numeric characters Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Network
Create a DWORD entry called AlphanumPwds
Give it a value of 1

9.Speeding Up Your Modem's Dialing
For Win95, to make that modem dial much faster: Open up the Control Panel
Double click on the Modem icon
Click on Properties / Connection / Advanced
In the Extra Settings enter S11=x , where x is how many milliseconds each tone sounds. Try S11 = 1, then dial, you'll be surprised.

10.Showing Your Actual Modem's Connection Speed
Normally when you open up the modem icon in the system try, it shows the port connect speed.
So see your actual modem speed: Go Control Panel
Open up the Modems icon
Click Properties
Click on the Connection tab
Click the Advanced button
In the Extr Settings, put ATW2L0 (the last character is a zero)

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