Learn Networking Tips Lesson 3 - Computer Tips | DaddyFile


19) Potential problems leaving 16-bit winsock.dll's
If you re having problems getting some of your winsock applications
to work under Win95, make sure you delete any old 16-bit winsock.dll's. If this file is in the directory were the application resides, it could
cause problems. Programs that could have problems like this are:
Ewan.exe (Telnet app)
WSIRC.exe (IRC app)
WSGopher.exe (Gopher app)
NX.Exe (NewsXpress)
Netscape v.1.0
We found that if the software listed above is in the same directory as the
Trumpet Winsock.dll file, then they will NOT work under the MS-TCP/IP stack.

20) Device Contention when trying to use a Modem
Occasionally, when trying to use your modem, you might get the following errors: Another program is using the selected Telephony device. Try again after the other program completes.
Cannot initialize port
The state of Windows 95 device contention is determined by the value for the "COM n AutoAssign=x"
setting in the [386Enh] section of the System.ini file,
where n is the number of the serial port and x is a value from -1 to 1000.
The default setting in Windows 95 is -1. This setting causes Windows 95 to not release a serial port previously used
by a non-Windows-based program.
If you need hot-swapping capability between an MS-DOS-based communications program and a Windows-based communication program,
add the following entry to the [386Enh] section of the System.ini file:
Com n AutoAssign=0

21) Unable to Browse the Network
If you do not have a logon password, Windows95 might have problems when you try and browse the network.
Try the following steps to solve the problem. Start REGEDIT
Go to Hkey_Local_Machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current_version \ Network \ Real mode net
Delete the line that says AUTOLOGON=0
Save the changes and reboot the system

22) Auto-Dialing for 32-bit Internet Applications
If your 32-bit Internet applications do not automatically invoke your
Windows 95 Dialer, here is a way I found to enable this feature. First, bring up an internet application such as Netscape or Internet Explorer.
Next, manually dial into your internet provider by double-clicking your connection icon.
Once connected, go to the Control Panel and double-click on the Internet icon.
Once the window open, uncheck the checkbox titled "Dial whenever an Internet Connection is needed".
Click the check box again and make sure there is a check in the checkbox.
Next, click the APPLY button.
Finally , click the OK button.
Once you do this, close your internet application and disconnect from your internet provider.
Re-start your Internet application and the Windows 95 dialer should start up.
NOTE: From my experience, all Internet applications will be effected and will automatically start the Windows 95 dialer.

23) Changing your Modem's Initialization String
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Class \ Modem \ 0000 \ Init
Change the settings to the values for your modem

24) Increasing the Modem Timeout
If your modem it timing out during file transfers or loading Web Pages,
you might try increasing the timeout period. To change it:
Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / Class / Modem / XXXX / Settings
Where XXXX is the number of your modem
Move to the right panel and double click on Inactivity Timeout
The number of minutes for a timeout should be entered between the brackets.
For example, a US Robotics Sportster could have S19=<30> to set it to 30 minutes.

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