HTML < frame > Tag - Learn About Website | DaddyFile


HTML <frame> Tag. Not Supported in HTML5.


A simple three-framed page:

<frameset cols="25%,50%,25%">
  <frame src="frame_a.htm">
  <frame src="frame_b.htm">
  <frame src="frame_c.htm">

Definition and Usage

The <frame> tag is not supported in HTML5.
The <frame> tag defines one particular window (frame) within a <frameset>.
Each <frame> in a <frameset> can have different attributes, such as border, scrolling, the ability to resize, etc.
Note: If you want to validate a page containing frames, be sure the <!DOCTYPE> is set to either "HTML Frameset DTD" or "XHTML Frameset DTD".

Differences Between HTML 4.01 and HTML5

The <frame> tag is not supported in HTML5.

Differences Between HTML and XHTML

In HTML, the <frame> tag has no end tag. In XHTML, the <frame> tag must be properly closed.

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