Pakistan handed over Angoor Adda check post to Afghan forces - Pakistan English News | DaddyFile

Date: 21/5/2016

AWALPINDI: Pakistan has handed over the Angoor Adda check post to Afghan security forces to strengthen the relations with Afghanistan.
“This is with start intent to improve border management”, said ISPR on Saturday.
To Strengthen brotherly relation b/w Pak&Afgn&with strat intent to improve bdr mgmt,purpose built xing facility Angoor Adda handed to Afgn-1
DG ISPR General Asim Bajwa tweeted “This gesture will act as a catalyst and is envisioned to bring momentum for establishing peace and stability along the Pak Afghan Border.”
This gesture will act as a catalyst and is envisioned to bring momentum for establishing peace and stability along the Pak Afghan Border-2
 He further said it was reiterated during the process, that all border related issues will be amicably resolved through mutual consultations subsequently.
It was reiterated during the process, that all border related issues will be amicably resolved through mutual consultations subsequently-3
He also posted the pictures of Pak-Afgn security officials standing at Angoor Adda with purpose built Xing facility in the back ground.
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Pak-Afgn security officials at Angoor Adda with purpose built Xing facility in the back ground

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